An onboard computer on your bike for less than € 25,00 with nice and interesting information. That is possible with certain types of the SIGMA SPORT bicycle computer. On the pictures you can see the old 700 model and the newer TARGA. Both are suitable for mounting on motorbikes because they can measure speeds above the 100 km/h. Look at this aspect as for most bicyle computers this is not the case. If you set up the computer according to the instructions, you first get a digital speedo meter. Very handy with all those speeding camera's. Also nice to know is that the computer can be setup in miles or km. So, for those English people with plans to go to the main land... Reprogramming the computer to km however isn't that simple so it's better to do that before you leave.
What is display in the lower part of the display is up to you. STP measures the time the bike is in movement, rolling time. AVS stands for average speed, very handy on holidays trips. With that information you can make a calculation how much time it will take to do the rest of the distance you have in mind. DST is the total distance since the computer is installed on your bike. The Sigma 700 on the pictures is already functioning for 83.000 km. The batteries have been replaced once during that period. CLK gives you the time, finally a digital clock for Diversion XJ600S owners! TRP is an extra tripcounter. If you use your Diversion tripcounter as fuel indicator, you now have an extra tripcounter for tourrides. Best is to use the Sigma tripcounter for fuel and the Diversion tripcounter for tourrides. This is because the Diversion tripcounter is easier to reset. Last but not least, the maximum speed you have reached. The final proof for the policeman that you didn't drove too fast... (think about this when being stopped by the police!)
Operating is very simple. The Sigma 700 has two push buttons, one for reset, the other of switching between the different modes. On the new Targa the control buttons are situated on top and bottom over the full width of the computer. On the motorbike with motorgloves, this is better to operate. De bediening is vrij simpel. Bij de Sigma 700 zitten twee drukknoppen, de ene voor het resett As you can see on the picture, the metal part on the left side is missing. It was bad glued and has been lost. So it may be better to glue it yourself.
Installing is also simple. The computer is installed on the steer with rubber rings. The 2-wires electric cable is no so robust so I solder a stronger wire between the computer and the sensor. The soldered parts have been finish with shrinksock(?).
On the Diversion XJ900S the sensor is installed using tire wraps. I'm not sure if this is also possible on the Diversion XJ600S. An a Yamaha FZS600 Faser I had to glue the magnet on the rim but could use tire wraps for the sensor.